Native french speaker with teaching and tutoring experience - learn French at your own pace in a relaxed environment!
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Tutoring Locations
British Columbia:
Burnaby, Vancouver |
Lesson Types and Tutoring Fees
Type |
Fee |
- $25 |
Lesson Languages
English, French
Tutoring Services and Experience
Native french speaker with BA in English studies (literature / civilisation / translation) from La Sorbonne-Nouvelle (Paris 3).
Currently a Teaching Assistant at university and a volunteer at the Aquarium teaching the bilingual school program. Previously taught in secondary eduction in the UK.
Training to become a French as a Foreign Language certified teacher.
All levels.
Flexible. Vancouver and surrounding areas.
Don't hesitate to contact me so we can discuss your expectations!
I hope to see you soon.
Foreign Languages:
French |
french, tutor, flexible