I'm a University of Waterloo Bachelor of Mathematics graduate. I have tutored high school and college students on multiple occasions. I have been taking piano lessons for 14 years and have great success in music theory.
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Tutoring Locations
South Pickering
Lesson Types and Tutoring Fees
Negotiable contact for more information or to discuss a rate that works for you!
Type |
Fee |
$20 |
$30 |
Lesson Languages
Tutoring Services and Experience
I'm a University of Waterloo Bachelor of Mathematics graduate with a minor in Business. I have tutored high school and college students on multiple occasions. As well as work with children as a cheerleading coach.
I have been taking piano lessons for 14 years and have great success in music theory.
I believe that I can help you learn math, piano or music theory, and if I'm unable to help you. I will let you know during your first session and there will be no charge.
Elementary school:
Math |
Middle school:
Math |
High school:
Math |
College and University:
Math |
Arts and Music:
Music theory, Piano |
Math, music, marhematics, fractions, algebra