I am a certified teacher of mathematics and the sciences. I have taught grade10, grade 12 Advanced Functions, Calculus and College Math. I have an honours degree in mathematics and Sciences
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Tutoring Locations
Downtown Toronto and surrounding areas
Lesson Types and Tutoring Fees
Type |
Fee |
- $60 |
- $35 |
- $35 |
Lesson Languages
English, Hindi
Tutoring Services and Experience
I am available for tutoring at your home.
I am a certified teacher who will prepare students for Tests, quizzes, examinations.
Hope to hear from you. You can contact me at 647-465-0965 or
[email protected]
Elementary school:
Math |
Middle school:
Math |
High school:
Math |
College and University:
Math |
Calculus, Advanced Functions, Geometry, Trigonometry, Algebra, Number Theory, Probability, statistics, Sciences, mathematics, elementary, high school, math tutor, experienced, middle school