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adam boyle

Math tutor. I am very good at communicating with individuals who fret and become frustrated by math.

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Tutoring Locations
near Main & Broadway

British Columbia: Vancouver

Contact Information
Phone: 604.833.6367
E-mail: [email protected]

Lesson Types and Tutoring Fees
Individual and group prices increase due to time loss of travelling and transportation. Group prices increase based upon the number of students the group, increasing in $5/hr increments.

Type Fee
Individual  $25 - $30
Group  $35 - $80
Online  $20 - $25
E-mail  $20 - $25

Lesson Languages

Tutoring Services and Experience
My goal is to teach all the necessary missing fundamentals to the student and to try and improve their independant abilities at solving math problems. I try to do this in as little amount of time as I possibly can, in order to reduce the potential costs to the student. This is in contrast to many tutoring services, where they attempt to lengthen the sessions, and to keep the student semi-dependent upon tutor help to coninue their needed services. I do this because I love helping those who need to work on their math skills, not because this is my basic method for making income. And I also do this because not only am I strong at math, but I was at one point in my life very frustrated and confused by math. And through that process, I learned some of the key importances connected with helping those who also become frustrated, and to help them see math as more simplistic and reasonable. I do this in my spare time, and I do not take on too many clients. My sessions are one-on-one.

Elementary school: Math
Middle school: Chemistry, Math
High school: Chemistry, Math
College and University: Math

math. calculus. linear algebra. highschool. elementary. university.

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