Specialized in difficult cases
*Drop Outs
*Exam Prep
7+ years of experience
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Tutoring Locations
I will come to your home.
British Columbia:
Burnaby, Vancouver |
Lesson Types and Tutoring Fees
Lessons are usually 1:30.
Type |
Fee |
- $40 |
Lesson Languages
English, French
Tutoring Services and Experience
My name is Alexandre Laurin. I am a PhD student at SFU. I've been teaching and tutoring all high-school levels of mathematics since 2005. I am very passionate about teaching and am great at listening and explaining concepts in a variety of ways, according to specific needs. I am prepared to be very flexible about scheduling.
I look forward to helping you!
geometry, calculus, statistics, analytical geometry,probability, algebra, cartesian plane, word problems, logic