I have experience teaching high school math from Grade 9 to 12. I have acquired excellent teaching skills and enjoyed very good student-tutor relationships.
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Tutoring Locations
Richmond Hill, Toronto, Vaughan |
Lesson Types and Tutoring Fees
Type |
Fee |
- $25 |
Lesson Languages
English, Korean
Tutoring Services and Experience
I am currently providing tutoring service up to grade 11 math.
I tutored grade 9 to 12 math a few years ago (2013-2014) but stopped due to other priorities. In 2021, I am resuming my tutoring service, which is why my rate is relatively lower than other tutors at the moment. When you begin with me, you'll soon learn that I can understand the student well and help her/him effectively.
I would like to try online tutoring but have not done it before. I am willing to try with cooperation from the student.
Tutoring time is in the evening (between 7 pm and 10 pm).
Middle school:
Math |
High school:
Math |