Tutors in Burnaby
This is a listing of tutors in Burnaby
- 374 tutors found.
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If you need help with any of your Math courses, I'd be glad to help.
14+ years of experience in teaching mathematics.
Satisfaction is always guaranteed, that is, you won't pay if you are unhappy with the services.
Degree: PhD in Mathematics
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I am PhD student of Engineering at UBC.
I have been running tutorials for undergraduate and graduate students for the past 5 years.
I have been private tutor for Math for the past 7 years.
I have tutored Math 104, Math 184, Phys 100 for UBC students.
I also tutor for Fluid Mechanics
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Abd Sam Azizi
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A Professional Math Tutor With Math Ph.D.
Many Years of Experience in Teaching Math Courses.
Math Tutor for University, College and High School including:
Calculus I, II III, IV,
Linear Algebra and Discrete Math.
GMAT, GRE, SAT, and SSAT, Pre-Calculus 11 and 12
Very Affordable Price
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Hey, I currently tutor at the college I attend. The college provides us with ongoing tutor training throughout the year to ensure that we are as productive as possible.
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Abir Shah
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I have a lot of private tutoring experience. I can teach quickly or slowly, depending on the needs of the student.
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AcademyOne Learning
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Since 1989, AcademyOne Learning has been recognized as a world leader in the development of online educational programs for school-aged children. Math and English Wiz are being used by over 500,000 students and 1030+ schools internationally. Both are adapted to BC and Ontario curriculum.
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Adrian On
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The majority of my previous students are high school students between grades 10 to 12 who seek help with math and sciences.
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Hi, I am an SFU student. I would really like if we could have a test class and them you can hire me. I would like to add that I won't rest till you get the point(learn)!
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I have a Ph.D in Electrical Engineering from Tokyo City University/Japan.
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