Tutors in Mississauga - Page 7
This is a listing of tutors in Mississauga
- 415 tutors found.
See the tutor profiles for additional information about the tutoring services provided.
Carmel Mercy
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Teaching Mathematics in a simpler ways.Make the concepts easy to apply.Remove the fear of learning math.
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Carolyn Burns
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My previous achievements in earning the top marks for Grade 11 Entrepreneurship and Grade 11 American History, as well as my Bachelor’s Degree in Political Science and Master’s Degree in International Management have provided me with the academic background needed to excel in this role.
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Certified Tutors of Canada
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Most of our tutors are Ontario Certified Teachers. We focus on the student's ability to understand their own type of learning and provide them tools to be more effective, independent learners. Tutoring for Grades 1-12, and College/University. We also have an Online Learning Center.
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Chai Patel
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Qualified and experienced tutor specializing in high school math - academic and advanced level Mathematic help. All subjects for grade 1-8 as well.
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Recent University Graduate with a HBSc. Biology, Physiology specialization, available to teach math, science and language courses from elementary to first/second year university level.
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Hi there! I'm a male teacher who has 17 years of teaching experience with children from Kindergarten to Grade 12. I have my specialist qualifications in English and Special Education. I have taught a wide range of subjects and have the ability to program to your child's individual needs.
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Chris Huynh
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I am offering in-home (or at any public place) tutoring sessions to anyone in Mississauga willing to improve! I am a biomedical physics specialist with a strong academic record and good studying habits. I have been tutoring for 5 years now.
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Christine Vinh
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I am a qualified primary/junior teacher in Ontario offering one-on-one in home tutoring, and homework help for students in Kindergarten to grade 6.
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Christopher Cully
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OCT Certified Teacher with experience teaching intermediate/senior English and intermediate/senior History. Also able to offer tutoring in Native Studies and Geography.
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